
Harmonic holography with the Pseudomorph poly-time crystal: A linguistic 128-bit post-quantum error correction code for the reality hologram

A “Self-Operating Time Crystal Model of the Human Brain “ has been introduced (Singh, et all, 2020),
to replace the entire brain hardware with a 3D fractal architecture of clocks. Recently, scientists have
also succeeded for the first time in realizing a time crystal that spontaneously breaks continuous
time translation symmetry (Kongkhambut et. al. 2022). Discrete or Floquet time crystals in
periodically driven closed and open quantum systems have also been observed. The idea of a time
crystal goes back to Nobel laureate Franck Wilczek, who first proposed the phenomenon. Similar to
water spontaneously turning into ice around the freezing point, thereby breaking the translation
symmetry of the system, the time translation symmetry in a dynamical many-body system
spontaneously breaks, when a time crystal is formed. Microtubules as well as glial cells, particularly
astrocytes, have been related to quasicrystalline states. We show linguistically, that the evolution
from solid to gaseous, liquid and super-liquid phase states, can be mapped to the formation of
precepts, percepts, concepts and ultimately wisdom in real time, similarly to the nucleation of
crystals through interference of density waves in hydrodynamics. Luppi et al. showed in 2020 that
“Connectome Harmonic Decomposition of Human Brain Dynamics Reveals a Landscape of
Consciousness “, and “the emergence of consciousness from human brain dynamics follows the
same universal principles shared by a multitude of physical and biological phenomena “. The
deconstruction of the reality hologram, and consciousness as BPS states of a spacetime crystal, lead
to a unified taxonomy of information flow within and between humans. First, second, and third
harmonics in purely physical frameworks relate to the concept of total responsibility of the human
experience, or maximum self-consciousness. The quantum brain model, its generalization to nonbiological macroscopic quantum systems like quasicrystalic superfluids, and the idea that the
quantum vacuum itself behaves like a superfluid — gives some plausibility to the idea that mindgenesis, consciousness, memory and general intelligence could happen in a dynamic substrate
consisting of nothing but the bare fabric of space-time. A natural language framework is sufficient to
reverse engineer the Hopf-fibrated three-sphere of brain dynamics, and map the invariants to the
neurological network architectures of MDN, SN, CEN, and SMN, all stemming from the E8 root
system. This not only reveals necessary “degrees of belief “ about oneself for coherent movement,
but at the same time identifies gaps and contradictions in the underlying reality construct for
decision making processes. Subjectively believed eigenvalues lead to phase states, and phase states
impact processing of the holographic content. Optimal trajectories to minimize free energy explain
the relationship between magnetohydrodynamical levity, and gravity in terms of connected or
disconnected concepts in the context of superconductivity. Potential applications range from
performance measurement in psychometrics, novel psychotherapeutic interventions similar to
psychedelics therapy, self-directed neuroplasticity, high performance learning, to decision making
and problem-solving simulations in neuromorphic network architectures.


Quantum Brain Map (MDN, CEN, SN, SMN, Selfhood), triality map, triplet of triplets, Explanatory, SIC’s, Super-SICS), E8 root system, Leech Lattice Chronnectome, Elser-Sloane Quasicrystal Connectome, Dissipative quantum model of brain, 4th. order cybernetics.


Fuchs, R. (2023). Harmonic holography with the Pseudomorph poly-time crystal: A linguistic 128-bit post-quantum error correction code for the reality hologram. Abstracts of the Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, AZ.

Pseudomorph, a quantum tomographical model of the human consciousness connectome

Pseudomorph, the 12-dimensional human consciousness connectome is an F-theoretical cognitive map over the three canonical ensembles to model “general intelligence” or “core wisdom”. Core wisdom is defined as the pure fiducial states measured as symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measurements (SIC-POVM’s). This quantum tomographical approach over the 120 icosians relates to the 117 SIC-POVMs of identities with “0” Eigenvalue allows for direct and indirect measurement of consciousness states and error correction similar to the Golay code in cryptographic optimization processes to minimize noise. Pseudomorph is a supertautological hermeneutic for self-directed neuroplasticity and attempts to reconcile natural and social sciences by defining a natural language skin that integrates formal and abstract languages. It maps the three brain networks MDN, SN, CEN to the measurement device (brain).

Performance and Pathology can be explained with the interaction between the “dihedral effect” of nature and the polyhedral human identity. The Pseudomorph model provides an exact solution for the optimal coordinate system for best decision making. This challenges the current biochemical model of “mental illness” and reduces abnormal behavior to local and non local identity errors, adaptation errors in configuration and fault tolerance errors in modulation spaces.

The proposed model illustrates the learning, growth and transformation process from information to energy and matter through ontic states and epistemic trajectories on augmented evolutionary topologies (triply periodic minimal surfaces). The beauty of the model lies in the information architecture of the reality construct, or the reality hologram, including the human identity in a participatory universe.

By labelling the vertices and connecting the trajectories of the reality construct similar to Buckminster Fuller’s “geometry of thought”, it is possible to identify errors as deviance from ideal concept development. This is not only crucial for self-organization, self-learning and self-actualization processes, but also in psychotherapeutic diagnosis and treatment, leadership training and cultural assessment in organizations.


Sustainable Happiness, Kochen-Specker Theorem, Potts model, Psychometry, Quantum tomography, SIC-POVM’s, Icosians, General Intelligence, Performance, Psychopathology, E8 Theory.


Fuchs, R. (2020). Pseudomorph: The human consciousness connectome. Abstracts of the Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, AZ.